Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm Trying to Buy American!

Today I went in several gift shops and noticed that everything was made in China. I know things are still made in America and I think they're worth saving. Here's a website that will help me and those like me to find what we want. I hope you will work on this with me!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this terrific website. I completely agree with you about buying American. I am currently in TX where the locals have more handmade merchandise than imported ones - what treasures! I am now pledging to join with you in 'trying to buy American' as much as possible. -chefdeb

DrW said...

OK - Now there are two of us! Thank you!

Janet said...

My 6 year old recently noticed that everything is made is China!

DrW said...

Great! Maybe that generation will save us!

southernjoy said...

{p} comments on that all the time. A year or so ago we were being very conscious about where the toys we bought were coming from. He's asked lots of questions, and it's been a great way to talk to him about companies who like to make more money, so they pay for cheaper labor, etc. A lot for a (then) 6 year old to think about, but it's never too early!

DrW said...

I like that kid!