Monday, March 9, 2009

The Next Battle

In the never-ending war between PhD and Rodent, I must confess that rodent is winning. However, I have just come up with a new feeder/baffle arrangement that has kept the wee geniuses at bay for three days now.  Do I enjoy this too much?

I MUST get the nuts and seeds!

I must!  I really must!

I meant to do this!

How is that bird doing that?

Mr. Rupert Bluebird looks on in disgust!


southernjoy said...

ha! Great one of the squirrel flying through the air. Squirrels need to eat, too!

Our collie has started stalking the squirrels that come to our feeder. She sneaks up on them slowly like a cat, then charges. But, we have an underground fence and she can only go so far. The bird feeder is just past her boundary. She never actually gets to the squirrels, but she scares them. It's great to watch her go back to her spot, watch the squirrels get brave enough to try again, just to have the whole thing happen over and over. Maybe you should borrow her :-)

DrW said...

Yes! Send her on over!

southernjoy said...

Okay... so you may not want her. I found a dead bird (don't faint!) in the flower bed today. Sometimes she charges at birds too (again, she can't get to them at the feeder). I'm not sure if she grabbed a bird from somewhere else in the yard, or if it hit the window and died that way. The bird was a little wet, so I do know that she had it in her mouth at some point. Still intact though - at least it didn't become a chew toy. And, at least it wasn't a bluebird!

DrW said...

OK - Our story is that the poor bird hit the window and died suddenly. The precious dog simply tried to do CPR. How's that? (Maybe I should be in politics.)

southernjoy said...

Oooh, you are the master of spin! Yes, politics is your new career! Forget the private school...

Just saw that you're doing a class at Thomas Crossroads. I need a few more (um, like SEVEN) PLUs. Haven't had the pre-req, so I can't take that one. Are you teaching anything else?

DrW said...

Not agreeing to any more right now. I'm getting so screwed on taxes because of those courses that I may never teach again! But let's NOT get me started!!!!!!!!!

southernjoy said...

I understand. We got messed up when I worked for the school system mentoring a special ed TAPP teacher. The extra money was nice... until tax time!